Monday 23 April 2012

Letter to the Guardian reveals the sad effects of abortion for parents

The Guardian is well known for being the mouthpiece of the abortion lobby in the UK. Many of the leading figures amongst the pro-death campaign have columns with the Guardian, such as: Ann Furedi (Bpas), Clare Murphy (Bpas), Kate Smurthwaite (stand-up comedienne/odd-jobs for a collective of abortion and pro-abortion feminist groups), and Lisa Hallgarten (Education for Choice). The number of its pro-abortion journalists are legion. The Guardian out-does itself in churning out torrents of misinformation about pro-life groups and our activities to end abortion and support parents in need. You can rely on the Guardian to dress up its pro-abortion ideology and rhetoric as law, science, and fact.

However, I recently found this letter to the Guardian. It's from a man whose wife had an abortion early on in their marriage. The article is very sad. However, I'm glad this man wrote to the Guardian, and that the Guardian published it. The testimony of post-abortive men and women is an important witness to the appalling effects that abortion has upon men and women. We don't know all the details about the situation, so perhaps less is more, and let the letter speak for itself. 

If you're having trouble reading the letter, the text is reproduced below:
Post-abortive father: My wife and I got married seven years ago and haven't had sex since the honeymoon. We were financially very badly off and I didn't want to bring a life into this world if I couldn't provide for it, so my wife had an abortion. I've become overweight and unfit, and my wife has limited enthusiasm for anything that requires leaving the house. I tried to make love to her recently but it ended in me being more interested in the book I was reading. I'm a miserable non-father who wants nothing more than to produce offspring.
Dr. Connolly: The strain and loss you both experienced early in your relationship have had significant, ongoing ill-effects on your marriage. They also seem to have negatively affected your mental health. You may be suffering from depression, which can lead to a lowering of libido. Your wife may also be challenged by a mood disorder that may have been triggered by the abortion. Experiencing that type of loss can lead to deep sadness and a long-lasting period of mourning – for the partner as well as for the mother.

In my clinical experience, a lack of interest in sex is fairly common in the aftermath of abortion. However, the lack of sex in your relationship may be a symptom of some broader problems that require treatment. Act now, before it's too late to have a family. Without blaming, start expressing some of these deep feelings you are having – the sadness of bereavement and your strong desire
for fatherhood, and encourage your wife to do the same. Listen to each other, and mourn this loss together.
• Pamela Stephenson Connolly is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist who specialises in treating sexual disorders.
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